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Lisa the Nerd

I'm a nerd who likes to read YA lit. Sometimes adult books when someone insists it's fabulous. Always Jane Austen.

Currently reading

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
J.K. Rowling, Mary GrandPré
Shadow Kiss
Richelle Mead
Such a Rush
Jennifer Echols
Wool Omnibus (Wool, #1-5)
Hugh Howey
Wanderlove - Kirsten Hubbard In a sentence or so: Bria travels to Central America to prove to everyone she’s a Global Vagabond. Many new experiences, new friends, hilarity and self-discovery ensue. Bria signed up for what she thought was going to be an exotic adventure with beautiful teenagers like her. She was stoked to prove to her two besties and her ex-boyfriend Toby that she was up for anything, even if they all chickened out. When she arrives in Guatemala City, however, she is greeted by a middle age troupe of incredibly cliché travelers. Not exactly what Bria had in mind. Luckily for her, in no time she is swept up into an unlikely backpacking trio with Starling and her brother Rowan. They assure Bria they will show her Guatemala City and the surrounding areas as it was meant to be seen, which is pretty rad.While the core of the plot is about traveling around Central America and discovering new things, we keep coming back to Bria and why she’s there in the first place. Bria’s background with Toby, her parents, her best friends and herself slowly come into focus throughout the read. I loved learning more about where she came from to learn more about where she was going.It’s no joke that I LOVE YA because of the self-discovery and coming of age themes that are so often present in the books. Wanderlove is a stellar example of why YA is incredible to read about and experience.Because the thing is, I was Bria. Bria was me. I didn’t travel to Central America, but her struggles of feeling good enough without constant validation, her giving up parts of herself for a boy who is NOT WORTH IT, getting in her own way so much of the time, and finally – FINALLY – the realization that she is a good person who deserves to be happy – all resonated so deeply with me.Yes, Wanderlove is a travel adventure book. Yes, Wanderlove is an adorable romance. Yes, Bria is hilarious and awesome and you love her from the beginning. But what I loved most about Wanderlove was Bria’s journey of self-acceptance and admitting her own mistakes and forgiving herself. It cut my heart so deeply to hear an experience so like my own through her voice. And ultimately, it made my heart swell to see her happy and awesome and brilliant by the end.Fave Quote: "I'll have won. This time, for always. But it's never going to happen unless I close my eyes and jump." (151)Fix er up: I would have liked to see more of Starling. I was quickly attached to her, even as a secondary character. Her complete acceptance of Bria – no questions asked – was inspiring. LOVE.